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Volunteer Application

Two costumed volunteers sitting on a bench.

Fill out the application below or print a copy of the Volunteer Application and drop it off at Historic Charlton Park's business office or mail it to 2545 S. Charlton Park Rd., Hastings, MI 49058.

Please Indicate

Please indicate which of the following volunteer opportunities are of interest to you
Please Indicate the days and times you are available to volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteer positions at Charlton Park! Your information will be reviewed and you will be contacted shortly for an orientation.

Please be advised:

1) Volunteers are required to attend a Volunteer Orientation session before being scheduled for an assignment. Certain volunteer positions may require additional training.

2) I authorize Charlton Park to utilize my name and birth date for the purpose of obtaining a conviction only criminal file search from the Michigan State Police. I understand that if it is discovered that I have a criminal record, it may be necessary for Charlton Park to terminate my volunteer status.

If you have any questions about the Volunteer Program, please contact us by e-mail or telephone (269) 945-3775. Thank you again for your interest.

By checking this box I am providing my digital signature and certify that I have read and understand the volunteer requirements
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