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Current Projects

A trail map with a trail extending into a forest with leaves on the ground.
HCP Receives Grant for All-Terrain Wheelchair
Image of all-terrain wheelchair that is green and black.

Historic Charlton Park (HCP) is pleased to announce it has been selected to receive a $10,000 grant from the Barry Community Foundation. The funding will offset the purchase of an all-terrain wheelchair (track chair) to provide access to HCP’s grounds and trails for visitors that use mobility devices and wheelchairs. There will be no charge to use the track chair, but reservations will be required. HCP anticipates accepting the first reservations in summer 2025.

HCP will also embrace opportunities to loan the track chair to other units of local government to make their programming welcoming and accessible. “The purchase of the track chair will promote health and wellness for the Barry County community with a specific focus on a portion of the population that is often overlooked. Sharing this resource with other community organizations will allow for greater reach and usage,” said Dan Patton, Barry County Parks director. Action Trackchairs are also used at Michigan DNR state parks and recreation areas.

Fundraising is ongoing to cover the remaining cost, and any funding above and beyond the cost to purchase this track chair, will go towards the purchase of an additional track chair in the future. 

If you are interested in supporting this work, please click the button below to make a donation. Donations in any amount are appreciated!

HCP Awarded Grant from the W.S. & Lois VanDalson Foundation
Blacksmith shop building painted red with trees in the background.

Historic Charlton Park (HCP) has been awarded a grant from the W.S. and Lois VanDalson Foundation to perform additional accessibility projects throughout the historic village. This work will enhance the visitor experience by better connecting people that are aging or use a mobility device to the historic buildings. This project is part of larger efforts to address accessibility deficiencies as outlined in HCP’s master plan. Funding will be used to offset the costs of completing the permanent ramps and barrier free entries to four buildings in the historic village (Sixberry House, Lee School, Hall House, Barber Shop). Remaining funding will be used to address access barriers to the Blacksmith Shop. 

Read the full press release. Questions? Call (269) 945-3775, email

Thank you for the Michigan Arts and Culture Council.

Historic Charlton Park (HCP) has been awarded a grant of $15,649 from the State of Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC). The grant was awarded through the MACC review process and was one of 828 applications to compete for MACC fiscal year 2025 funding. 

Read the full press release here. Questions? Call (269) 945-3775, email

Volunteers in red shirts raking and shoveling around a sidewalk.

About the Sidewalk Project and AARP Community Challenge

Read the 6/26/2024 Press Release for all of the details
Final results - AARP Livable Communities Map

For additional information or questions about HCP, please call 269-945-3775 or email