County Wide Yard Sale

Vendor set-up policy for 2025:
- Set-up is between 7:00am – 10:00am in the Walnut Grove area.
- Preregistration is not required.
- Spots will be numbered (there are plenty of them), first come first served, or you can pick one when you arrive. They are 15’ x 30’.
- At 10:00am a Park staff member will visit each Vendor, collect payment of $10.00 and have the form for you to fill out.
- Bring your own tables and canopy for shade.
- No electric available: please bring your own generator.
- No early setup or camping allowed.
- Free admission for the public.
Product Sale Limitation: No Food, Beverage, Animals, CDB Oils, or Nursery Plant Items May be Sold or Given Away from Flea Market Spaces.